Unknown #1 Bacteriology Lab Results

Timothy Powell 2-Jun-97 Lab Section #4    
Unknown #1 Pseudomonas fluorescens      
Environmental effects:        
Test Unknown Comments    
Growth at 4 C 0 no growth    
Growth at 20 C 2 out of 5 slight growth    
Growth at 35 C 3 out of 5 mod. growth    
Growth at 45 C 0 no growth    
Growth at 55 C 0 no growth    
Anaerobic growth 0 no growth    
Colony characteristics:        
Observation Unknown      
Form? Circular      
Elevation? Raised      
Margin? Entire      
Consistency? Effuse      
(1) pigment color? Cream colored      
Colony diameter, mm 1.5mm      
Microscopic characteristics:        
Test Unknown Comments Positive Control Negative Control
Gram stain? Negative   Staphylococcus epidermis Escherichia Coli
Acid-fast stain? Negative   Mycobacterium phlei Bacillus thuringiensis
Cell morphology? Bacillus Elongated rod Bacillus thuringiensis Micrococcus luteus
Cell size, um?   5-7um    
Cell arrangement?   Isolated cells    
Capsules Positive Capsule present Klebsiella pneumoniae (capsule) Micrococcus luteus (no capsule)
Endospores? Negative All pink Bacillus thuringiensis Staphylococcus epidermis
"Biochemical" (Metabolic) Test Reactions:        
Test Unknown Comments Positive Control Negative Control
Glucose fermentation Negative Pellicle, sediment    
Lactose fermentation Negative Sediment    
Maltose fermentation Negative Pellicle, sediment    
Mannitol fermentation Negative Sediment    
Sucrose fermentation Negative Sediment    
Methyl Red test Negative Sediment Escherichia Coli (red) Enterobacter aerogenes (yellow)
Voges-Proskauer test Negative Sediment Enterobacter aerogenes (black line) Escherichia Coli (plain)
Catalase test Positive Bubbles Pseudomonas Streptococcus faecalis
Oxidase test Positive Medium grey Pseudomonas Streptococcus faecalis
Starch hydrolysis Negative Plate gouged Bacillus subtilis (clearing) Escherichia Coli (no clearing)
Casein hydrolysis Negative Moderate growth Bacillus subtilis (ate milk) Escherichia Coli (didn't eat milk)
Gelatin hydrolysis Negative Clear Bacillus subtilis (liquefied) Escherichia Coli (gel)
Indole production Negative Pellicle Escherichia Coli (red) Enterobacter aerogenes (clear)
H2S Production Negative Pellicle Proteus vulgaris (black) Enterobacter aerogenes (clear)
Lysine decarboxylation Negative Sediment Enterobacter aerogenes (purple) Citrobacter freundi (yellow)
Phenylalanine deaminase Negative   Proteus vulgaris (green) Escherichia Coli (yellow)
Citrate utilization Positive   Enterobacter aerogenes (blue) Citrobacter freundi (green)
Ammonification Positive Dark yellow   4% Peptene broth
Nitrate reduction Positive Gas and bubbles Soil (gas)  
Urea hydrolysis Negative Sediment from tablet    

Last Updated on 2/10/00
By Microsoft Office User