My BIO 450 Experience

My experience as a lab assistant in BIO 153 has provided me with both keen insight as well as practical knowledge into the teaching of the Biological Sciences. The time that I spent explaining concepts and performing informative dissections for the students of the class has helped me to develop and sharpen those teaching skills I will use as a high school Biology teacher. Often times while I was explaining something to a student I would find that they wouldn't quite understand it the first time and so it forced me to think harder and find a more creative way of explaining the same concept again. In the process I found that I learned a little more about that same concept myself and thus became even more enriched because of the experience. In addition, the time that I spent developing and preparing laboratory exam questions gave me a tremendous insight into how much time and effort are needed in order to prepare and properly administer a Biology lab exam. Lastly, the time and effort that Dr. Richards put into guiding me as his lab assistant was an invaluable part of the entire experience. Thanks to his diligent guidance my entire experience as a lab assistant in BIO 153 was very successful and rewarding.