
In looking at prepared slides of muscle tissue and blood, observations of structure were made using light microscopy. In skeletal muscle tissue. cell arrangement was elongated. In cardiac muscle tissue. cell arrangement was rectangular. For both these type of cells the shape facilitates a fast contraction. Smooth muscle tissue cell arrangement promoted a more gradual contraction. In skeletal muscle. cells contraction would be used to move bones as the primary source of locomotion. In the cardiac muscle. cell contractions would be used to create pressure inside the ventricle in order to pump blood. In smooth muscle. cells contraction would be used in order to generate peristaltic waves. These prediction about function could be tested by examining a live specimen or isolating muscle tissue in vitro and stimulating it with an electrode. Reagents such as adrenaline or Xylocaine could be used to increase or inhibit muscle cell functioning. In blood. cell arrangement is fluid allowing for minimum friction in circulation. RBC's would most likely carry oxygen or carbon dioxide to aid in cellular respiration. WBC's would be looking for foreign agents in the blood and surrounding tissues. These predictions could be tested using a radioactive tag with a high affinity for RBC's or WBC's injected into the bloodstream and observed using a CAT scan or other appropriate machinery.

In looking at specimens of Amoebae proteus, Paramecium caudatum and stamen hairs from Tradescantia virginiana, slide mounts were made and structures were observed using light microscopy. In paramecia observable structures included an oral groove- to be used for ingestion, cilia- to be used for locomotion, and vacuoles- to be used for food storage. In the amoebae observable structures included pseudopodia- to be used for locomotion, and vacuoles- to be used for food storage. The amoebas movement could be determined by leaving a trail of food in a particular path and observing as to whether the amoebae will follow the trail. In the stamen hair. movement of water and nutrients is observable. These substances provide nourishment to reproductive structures at the end of the stamen. In applying Cytocholasin B to the living specimens both the stamen hair and the paramecia ceased movement after five minutes indicating that they must in fact contain actin filaments that the reagent acted upon. In observing the paramecia ingests some of the Congo Red-stained yeast it was found that the yeast were encapsulated into vacuoles that must serve as a mechanism of storage.

In examining the specimens Protoslo was used to slow down the paramecia so as to be able to observe them at high magnification, Congo Red-stained yeast were used to observe paramecia ingestion and digestion, dilute methyl green was used to stained the specimens and accent certain cellular structures and Cytocholasin B was used to inhibit movement of the specimens. In thinking about other types of reagents that could possibly be used. a saline solution would of been particular interest as it would allow one to observe any defense mechanisms the specimens have against water loss and also the events leading to an organisms death in a hypotonic solution. A sample of pure water would aid in viewing the opposite effects with the specimens.

Observing the fixed specimens aided in identifying certain key structures in the tissue and cells such as shape, orientation, location and size of nucleus, and distinct organelles. The advantage of observing fixed specimens is the reasonable accuracy of identifying cellular structures, however the fixed mounts do not allow you to observe function and operation as would living specimens.