Dear Editor,

As a concerned student at Carson High School, I am writing this letter in response to your editorial entitled "Lal shoots down star." I realize that editorials express only the opinion of the Trailblazer staff, so I am writing this letter to express only my opinion and any others that may share it.

I strongly disagree with the fact that the article seemed to imply that Dr. Lal may have deliberately kept from notifying Ms. Wachter of her "removal" from her position in order to keep from creating a scandal. This kind of implementation, to me, is attacking Dr. Lal's overall character as the principal of the school, something for which you "claim" not to do.

I feel that the school newspaper's time and energy would be better spent by writing thoughtful editorials that truly express just an opinion of the issue that the article is concerned with and to quit playing host for smear campaigns based on people's moral and ethic values. If I had wanted to read that kink of literature I could of simply just picked up any periodical in the aisle of a supermarket checkstand.


Timothy Powell