Psy 204 Observation Report

Use this form to submit your observations via e-mail to Sponsor & Coordinator.

 Observer's Name:  Timothy Powell  Date: 10/17/99
 Leader's Name:  Bryan Loudermilk  Course:  PSY 204

1. List the main ideas/topics covered in the session:

The main point of the session was to reinforce mathematical skills for the Calculus 143 class. Although the specific topics covered were a bit too advanced for my comprehension of the points stressed was being able to trace a curve based off the solution to an equation.

2. Note examples of structured learning that are utilized. Include an example or quote from the session to discuss later.

One example of a structured learning style the facilitator employed included breaking the students up into groups to work on different math problems.

3. Describe this leader's communication/teaching style. How is your style similar or different?

The leader had a very relaxed and informal communication style. He employed the Socratic method in order to challenge his students to think about the process they need to go through in order to arrive at the solution. In contrast my style of tutoring biology is a bit more direct. I usually present the overall concept and then work with pupils in understanding the specifics

4. If you were leading this session, (a) what situations would be challenging to you? and how does the leader address them? (b) what would you do differently? Be specific.

If I were leading the session the most challenging thing to me would be having an in depth understanding of the math concepts being taught, beyond that of just knowing how to solve the problem. Unfortunately this never really came up during the session so I didn't get to see how the leader would respond to such a situation. However, if the situation were to happen to me I would take the time beforehand to do a little background reading on the concept being presented and possible applications it has today so that I can answer the pupil's more general question of "what does this all mean?"

5. What did you like about how the leader managed the session? Be specific about what worked well.

The thing I liked most about how the leader managed the session was his cool and calm attitude in working with the students. Having been somewhat of a math phobic myself I can appreciate a tutor whose calm demeanor can provide a necessary balance to what can often be a situation with a lot of anxiety and frustration.

6. Describe any concepts from Psy 204 that you observed in action.? How will you use these concepts in your work?

I was able to observe certain patterns of cross cultural behavior within groups as was outlined to us in the lecture on Group Facilitation Skills by Olvera. I believe the key for me is to be aware of these issues that can come up when having students work in groups and make my best effort to deal with them promptly.