Psy 204 Observation Report

Use this form to submit your observations via e-mail to Sponsor & Coordinator.

 Observer's Name:  Timothy Powell  Date:  11/4/99
 Leader's Name:  Myra Waggoner  Course:  BIO 115

1. List the main ideas/topics covered in the session:

The main point of the session was to reinforce knowledge of the heart and the cardiac cycle for students taking BIO 115.

2. Note examples of structured learning that are utilized. Include an example or quote from the session to discuss later.

One example of a structured learning style the facilitator employed included having the students sit in a circle where they could all see and hear one another. Each student would then take turns reading the prepared review and answering questions aloud for the group.

3. Describe this leader's communication/teaching style. How is your style similar or different?

The leader had a very relaxed and informal communication style. She employed the Socratic method in order to challenge her students to think about the specific answer by means of its related biological functions and processes. In contrast, my style of tutoring biology is a bit more direct. I usually present the overall concept and then work with pupils in understanding the specifics

4. If you were leading this session, (a) what situations would be challenging to you? and how does the leader address them? (b) what would you do differently? Be specific.

If I were leading the session the most challenging thing to me would be to present the students with an applied modern day issue connected with the material I was explaining. For example, in explaining the cardiac cycle I would find myself extremely challenged if I could not answer a students basic question of "what does this all mean?" Unfortunately, this never really came up during the session so I didn't get to see how the leader would respond to such a situation. However, if the situation were to happen to me I would plan to set aside a little time and talk about the applications of the basic concepts the student's are learning. For example in relating the topic of cardiac output I would be sure to mention how a decreased cardiac out is a possible sign of cardiac disease and how doctors can use things like the blood ejection fraction to diagnose the possibility of athersclerosis or other coronary problems.

5. What did you like about how the leader managed the session? Be specific about what worked well.

In all honesty I didn't particularly care for the way the leader managed the session. I felt her attitude and approach to teaching the subject matter was too lax and unmotivating. The leader did not make use of the chalkboard, the text or use any overhead transparencies. I personally feel that a lot of Biology involves dynamic interactions and so it must be presented as such. When you teach it with a mundane and dry approach I believe you rob your students of Biology's true meaning.

6. Describe any concepts from Psy 204 that you observed in action.? How will you use these concepts in your work?

One thing I did make note of during the session was that the students in general seemed unprepared. Only one student had her notes with her and no one except the facilitator had their book. A couple of the students also showed up to the session quite late and it was apparent that no one in the group had even attempted to do the worksheet at home. Seeing this lack of preparation made me think about Prof. Sydnor lecture on Study Skills and Time Management. I could see the fruits of disorganization that Prof. Sydnor mentioned as the consequences for not making a schedule and for not reviewing lecture notes in a timely and repetitive manner.