Answer questions listed below. Assignment must be typewritten or word-processed. E-mail answers to me at or turn in completed assignment to me at the Academic Skills Center, Fisher Science Hall 33-290.


One of your students falls over a chair but indicates that he/she is ok. However, you notice a cut on his/her arm. How would you respond to the student?

I would ask this student to go the rest-room and wash off the cut with warm water. If there is a first aid kit in the room or close by then I would have the student apply an antibacterial cream and a Band-Aid to the cut.


If one of your students did not have transportation to an off campus location, how would you handle the situation?

I would tell the student to ask others in the group for a ride to the location.


One of your students faints in the classroom. How would you handle situation?

Since fainting is usually a self correcting condition I would not call 911 immediately. Instead I would position the person flat on his or her back and elevate the person's legs to about 12 inches. I would then check the person's pulse and respiration since I have training in First Aid and CPR.


Joe, a member of your group, says he has a headache and asks you for an aspirin. You have some Advil tablets in your possession. How would you respond?

I would advise Joe to go to the health center or nearest drug store for medication. As a tutor under no circumstances would I give Joe any medication.


A student informs you that he/she has to be at a meeting at 10 PM and does not have transportation to get there. What would you suggest to the student?

I would suggest that the student ask a friend to drive them or call a cab. I would inform them that as their tutor I cannot provide them with transportation because of liability issues.


As an employee on campus, what telephone numbers would you place on your emergency telephone list?

I would have the number to Public Safety as well as a short list of frequently called numbers readily available.