Welcome back to place where it all began: Sierra Madre Hall, Tower 2-Africa

For those of you who were privileged enough to have lived in my old tower, I bid you a fond welcome back. It's been just about a year now since that faithful summer of 99. Yes, indeed those were the good ol days when classes were short, days were long, and a crazy RA named Timothy was intent on making this the best and most unforgettable summer of your young lives.

For those of you who were not as lucky as my residents Tower 2-Africa was one of four residences within the Sierra Madre dormitory complex housing Cal Poly students for the summer of 1999.  The theme for the entire hall that summer was "Crusin' the World:  Study Like it's 1999," a sort of pre-millennium tribute.  In accordance with that theme each tower was given a continental name with Tower 2 has being designated the African tower.  My partner in crime during this faithful summer was a young lady named Mary-Catherine (MC for short) and together as the Tower 2 resident advisors (RAs) we did our best to make our residents first residential experience in college one that they will never forget.

  So whether you're returning back here to stroll down memory lane or this is your first time visiting, feel free to peruse through the different sections and relive that magical summer.

Calendar of Events

See what we were doing that faithful summer



See who was doing what during that unforgettable summer

RA Journal

See what I was thinking during all the madness