Resident Advisor Weekly Voice #10

1. The "State of the RA".

At this point I am feeling amiable. I'm pleased to report that the last of our Tower activities went very well. The Baked Potato Bar dinner was a big hit, and we revealed each others secret pals along with what they did for one another. However, the highlight was the T2 slide show which I prepared and ran on my iMac as a Powerpoint slide show along with music from a CD in the background. This week I will run the last of my RA activities, that of the SM R & R Nights in which we will play games, eat snacks, and generally gripe and complain about finals. Academically speaking I will be wrapping things up this week by handing in a couple of projects.

2. The State of Your Tower."

We held a Tower meeting tonight to explain checkout procedures and stress the importance of quiet hours. With the SI students gone the hall feels a little more empty now.

3. Individual Student Concerns

None at this time

4. Judicial Concerns/ Incident Reports Written:

I explained to my residents in the meeting that any violation of quiet hours will results in a documentation and from there you will be asked to leave the residence halls regardless of whether or not you have any finals left. As an extra incentive to help them get the point I taped the "Quiet Hours" flier on each of their doors.

5. Facility Concerns/ Damages/ Service Requests

The residents of 21H have a broken door knob that they service requested last week. I think that the locksmith needs to come out and fix it ASAP since they are unable to lock their door. I'm also still waiting for those anti-slip pads for the shower.

6. Staff Concerns:

The staff needs to be treated for all their hard work in coming days.

7. Agenda Items for Next Staff Meeting:

Final closing procedures for the hall.

8. Other Concerns

None at this time.

9. What Do You Need?

Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.

10. Tower Leadership Update:

I am curious to know how many T-shirts we have sold.