Resident Advisor Weekly Voice #2

1. The "State of the RA".

At this point I am feeling somewhat rested since nearly all of my residents have gone home for the holiday weekend. As far as academics go I am preparing to take a lab practical this coming week in my Entomology class and so will be turning more of my attention to this.

2. The State of Your Tower."

In general the tower is doing okay. I have had to call in a couple of the residents along with their roommates and have a discussion on appropriate noise levels after quiet hours. I have informed them that having other residents in their room after quiet hours was acceptable, however, realistically speaking, there's no real way to maintain a quiet atmosphere with numerous people chatting in one room. Therefore they need to consider moving to the SM main lounge to carry on their conversation.

3. Individual Student Concerns

No specific individual student concerns at this point but in general I think I may want to have a chat with my 5 week residents to let them know that just because they are only here for a couple of more weeks they should still be considerate of their 10 week neighbors.

4. Judicial Concerns/ Incident Reports Written:

No judicial's or documentation's at this point. However, it is the feeling of most of the RA staff that documentation's will be occurring very soon in order to drive home the point to residents about quiet hours

5. Facility Concerns/ Damages/ Service Requests

None at this time.

6. Staff Concerns:

I believe that staff should make a greater effort to support each other's activities. During my Home Econ workshop it would have been appreciated if more staff could have come, and thus motivated more of their residents to join in.

7. Agenda Items for Next Staff Meeting:

We need to discuss the recurrent noise problem we are have in Tower 4, 3rd floor guys. I believe one of the CSD's should accompany the duty RA's on rounds in this area so that they can see the recurrent noise problem for themselves and also provide a more stern warning to residents.

8. Other Concerns

We need to do some more bonding and development type programs for staff throughout the summer.

9. What Do You Need?

At this point I'm about as rested as can be expected and so could use a little more challenge

10. Tower Leadership Update:

I still have no idea what this means. This might be a good item to explain to me in a one on one or during the next staff meeting. In respect to Hall Council, one of my residents was elected President and another was elected Tower Rep.