Resident Advisor Weekly Voice #4

1. The "State of the RA".

At this point I am feeling about the same as last week. The only thing of significance to happen in the last week was the purchase of my bike on Wednesday and my falling off the bike and shattering the CSD'a fish tank on Friday. I learned a valuable lesson that day. Don't try going downhill on a bike while carrying your boss' pet fish tank. Academically I have both an Entomology lecture exam & lab quiz and an English essay due this week so it's just about crunch time.

2. The State of Your Tower."

The Tower seems to have changed little since last week. I am noticing an increase in the number of female visitors to our floor as well as an increase in the number of guys who crowd into one particular resident's room to play the James Bond video game on N64. I have unveiled the Floor Pet Goldfish idea and am soliciting names. Needless to say the ones the guys are suggesting aren't as kosher as I would like. It also seems that they've now taken a community bet that the fish will be dead inside of 10 days

3. Individual Student Concerns

No specific individual student concerns at this point.

4. Judicial Concerns/ Incident Reports Written:

I wrote up one of my residents the other day for a repeat noise violation. The details of the incident are in the official report but I was left with the feeling that the resident really didn't give me the respect that I think I deserve. He seemed to think getting written up is no big deal (which of course concerns me in light of the fact that I will have to deal with this student for the rest of the summer). In my future dealings with this resident I will probably be more formal so as to make clear my authoritative role.

5. Facility Concerns/ Damages/ Service Requests

I noticed the other day the that one of the exterior stair way lights leading up to Tower 2 is flashing on and off a lot at night. MC told me that she service requested it before but I have serious doubts that it will be repaired anytime soon.

6. Staff Concerns:

The staff stills need to do more bonding type activities. I would still suggest doing the Ropes course.

7. Agenda Items for Next Staff Meeting:

We need to discuss doing an appreciation gift(s) for all of our custodial staff as well as our earthquake readiness strategies and resources.

8. Other Concerns

I am still wondering when will we be working with the interns we spoke to during our RA training back in May. I am also wondering if we will be working with people from the SI program

9. What Do You Need?

Since I'm in the midst of planning for the R & R Nights this week I could use mucho support and some ideas for games too.

10. Tower Leadership Update:

I still have no idea what this means. This might be a good item to explain to me in a one on one or during the next staff meeting.