Resident Advisor Weekly Voice #5

1. The "State of the RA".

At this point I am feeling a bit tired going into a busy week. I have spent the better part of the day checking in residents of the Summer Institute Program. Academically I have a lab practical and lecture exam in Entomology this week and I have a bunch of reading to do for my English class. I'll probable just opt to go to the UU and study there most of the week in order to find the necessary seclusion and quiet to effectively study.

2. The State of Your Tower."

Well the Tower just got a little more crowded and now that the SI students have checked in, the floor is really full. I'll be watching to see how my old residents will interact with the new residents very carefully over the next few days. MC and I are planning a Lasagna dinner this Friday to get both groups together to sit down and really interact with one another. Only time will tell how both groups fare together but I will try my best to meld the two groups into one as long as they are living in my Tower.

3. Individual Student Concerns

I have fielded a few general concerns from the SI students regarding telephones meals, etc. I also have a couple of residents in 21L who are having problems with their closet. I have service requested it to be fixed but I think they might have to take out both closet doors and replace them.

4. Judicial Concerns/ Incident Reports Written:

None at this time, however tomorrow we will talk to all the SI students about the rules for the dorm and the consequences thereof for breaking them

5. Facility Concerns/ Damages/ Service Requests

I service requested numerous repairs to be done in the rooms of the SI students yesterday before they moved in. Hopefully the repairs will be made later this week.

6. Staff Concerns:

We should all go out for a dinner or treat together and make the CSD's foot the bill.

7. Agenda Items for Next Staff Meeting:

It might be good to have the SI program director come in and talk to us about the SI program in general, her goals for the students and what we as Resident Advisors can do to help

8. Other Concerns

I am wondering how much we will be working with the staff of the SI program. I noticed that they have quite a few people on staff and was curious if we will be doing any programming with them.

9. What Do You Need?

I'm in an academic abyss and need a life preserver of support to be tossed at me

10. Tower Leadership Update:

A couple of weeks ago I proposed a T-shirt design contest to hall council. I haven't heard any thing else about it.