Resident Advisor Weekly Voice #6

1. The "State of the RA".

At this point I am feeling physically tired. I went out for a Sunday afternoon bike ride that ended taking me halfway around the city. Even though the vast majority of the ride was downhill (I wouldn't have made it any other way) I still find that I don't have the same kind of energy that I did when I was 12. So needless to say I am anxious to put these tired old bones of mine to bed. Academics aren't any better than they ever were. At least I did well on my last English essay, but now I am dreading the Entomology lecture exam I have tomorrow morning

2. The State of Your Tower."

Last Friday we had our very first Tower 2 dinner. It took a bit of work to set up and clean up but in the end I think it was worth it. We ran out of meat lasagna which was kind of a bummer. I was able to get some of the guys to help bring in the tables and chairs. I was so impressed by their help I decided we should do a guys only meal sometime before the end of summer. The girls came down to eat of course but really didn't help to do anything. This week I've got the Tie-Dye Workshop planned at the Craft Center and I'm also almost done with the Tower 2 web page. Board game night didn't go very well because most of the guys were gone on Saturday night. I started the Trivia question game and will also be working on a California Heritage Map, Open Door Night and Secret Pals Program for the Tower this week.

3. Individual Student Concerns

None at this time

4. Judicial Concerns/ Incident Reports Written:

None at this time, however I find that I am less lenient towards quiet and courtesy hour violators now that the floor is full.

5. Facility Concerns/ Damages/ Service Requests

I'm still waiting for Housing to put some non-slip pads down in the shower stall.

6. Staff Concerns:

I showed my appreciation to all the staff last week by giving them toys. Hopefully they haven't become so adult-like that they forget how to play with them.

7. Agenda Items for Next Staff Meeting:

I plan to give an update on the anticipated ropes course staff bonding experience.

8. Other Concerns

I often find myself in class wondering what is the meaning of life. Perhaps my CSD will be able to answer this in my next one on one.

9. What Do You Need?

I believe that I've already heeded the call of the RA challenge.

10. Tower Leadership Update:

I e-mailed a Hall Council member about several ideas for hall council including the next issue of Stall Street and a Tower Penny Wars. She said she would bring it up in the next HC meeting.