Resident Advisor Weekly Voice #7

1. The "State of the RA".

At this point I am feeling about average. Academics are no better than they've ever been. Last week my Entomology teacher recommended that I withdraw from his course and take it over again in the Fall, so that's what I'm going to do. I'm really not very happy at the prospect of withdrawing from courses this late into my collegiate career but I also feel that this teacher does have my better interest in mind. On one positive note I did get to go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium last week where I got to pet the sting rays.

2. The State of Your Tower."

The Tower 2 Web Page is up and the residents seem to like it. The tie-dye workshop also went very well and those of who went all have cool tie-dyed shirts to show off. On Friday we had our 2nd successful version of Nintendo night, but for Saturday's board game night there was no one in the Tower so I moved it to the main lounge and played with an RA and some other SM residents. For the next Nintendo night I think I might try using the big screen TV in the main lounge. Last night I completed our Tower's California heritage map and will be unveiling that tonight along with the second installment of the Guy's Trivia and the third of our Floor pet gold fishes. We will also be going back to the craft center this Tuesday to play around with hemp and there will be a Guys pancake breakfast this Saturday. And somewhere down the line we will get our Secret Pals and Open Door Night programs going. As for the residents on my floor, they do mix some but I think the intensity of the SI program tends to keep its students segregated from other residents

3. Individual Student Concerns

None at this time

4. Judicial Concerns/ Incident Reports Written:

None at this time, however I find that I am less lenient towards quiet and courtesy hour violators now that the floor is full.

5. Facility Concerns/ Damages/ Service Requests

I'm still waiting for Housing to put some non-slip pads down in the shower stall.


6. Staff Concerns:

On Saturday rounds with an RA I spotted an ex-RA in T5 F3 talking to the residents in the hallway. I wrote a note in the duty log but I would like to re-emphasize that point here also. I firmly believe that this RA should not be allowed in or around the dormitories. Considering the huge burden he has put on this staff I feel that he has no business here in the dorms anymore and would like for housing to issue him an official reprimand stating that. I would also like permission for the RA staff and myself to ask this RA to leave immediately if spotted in the dorms or else we will have cause to call Public safety and have him escorted out. Perhaps these measures seem a bit strong but I really do believe that he has caused a great deal of psychological harm to our staff, our SM residents and Housing in general and thus he should not be given any opportunities to further inflict harm with his presence.

7. Agenda Items for Next Staff Meeting:

I still plan to give an update on the Chumash Challenge ropes course.

8. Other Concerns

I need to sit down with one of the CSD's and work out a plan for the Blood Drive this coming Monday

9. What Do You Need?

Just support for the time being.

10. Tower Leadership Update:

The Tower Penny wars has started. I will be speaking at HC this week about the upcoming blood drive.