Resident Advisor Weekly Voice #8

1. The "State of the RA".

At this point I'm feeling a bit under the weather because I have a cold. It never ceases to amaze me that I can get sick at the weirdest times. It seems like you should only get a cold in the Fall or Winter, not in the dog days of summer. Oh well. As far as academics go life has been a lot less stressful with my withdrawal from Entomology. My last English essay seemed to go smoothly but I will know for sure come Tuesday when the prof hands them back and assigns us the last essay of the quarter. I also find that I enjoy TA'ing in the BIO 153 lab. The students seem to have a respect for those who've taken the class and who help write questions for the lab practical. Since I plan to be a high school Biology teacher I feel like this class is helping me out immensely.

2. The State of Your Tower."

Last Tuesday we went down to the Craft Center to play around with hemp rope. It turned out very well indeed. We had a total of ten residents and we all made either anklets, bracelets, or key chains. One ambitious resident even decided to make a hemp necklace. On Saturday the Tower 2 Guys had our pancake breakfast. All of my SI guys showed up but most of the other guys were out of town. All in all it was a great success. We had more than enough food to eat and the setting in the main lounge on a Saturday morning was very tranquil. The breakfast was also my way of thanking the guys for all their help in setting up for the Lasagna dinner. On Sunday night we had a Tower ice cream social along with the unveiling of our California heritage map. It was a good time for our residents to relax and enjoy themselves as well as find out where everyone else form the Tower lives.

3. Individual Student Concerns

None at this time

4. Judicial Concerns/ Incident Reports Written:

I find that now my guys are in to playing some kind of networked computer game. At times they can be a little loud and unruly, so I might have to have a conversation with them about it.

5. Facility Concerns/ Damages/ Service Requests

I re-serviced requested those anti-slip pads for our shower but I still haven't heard anything else about them.

6. Staff Concerns:

I am wondering when the CSD is going to invite us all over to his apartment for dinner. We are all very hungry.

7. Agenda Items for Next Staff Meeting:

None at this time.

8. Other Concerns

None at this time

9. What Do You Need?

Either a cure for the common cold or a giant bottle of NyQuil.

10. Tower Leadership Update:

I e-mailed a Hall council member the other day about doing a clothing drive for the hall during finals.