Resident Advisor Weekly Voice #9

1. The "State of the RA".

At this point I am feeling pretty tired. I have been working on a lot of RA projects and I think all of that work is beginning to take its toll. In the last week I coordinated the blood drive (which was a great success), designed and ordered the Tower 2 button, started the Secret pals program, organized a tri tip BBQ, did Nintendo nite, went Cosmic Bowling, and took pictures for the Hall dance. I knew from the start that being a RA was going to be a lot of hard work and so to that end I have come to expect being tired. But as the quarter winds down I find that mentally I am ready to wrap up my life as an RA and get back to some degree of "normalcy".

2. The State of Your Tower."

The Tower doesn't seemed to have changed much from its state last week. There is still some degree of separation between the SI students and the summer session students, although events like the tri-tip bbq have helped to bring them together a little more. I sense that both groups are ready for the quarter to end so that they can prepare themselves for Fall quarter when they will be join by thousands of other students both in the dorms and on campus. Last week I also unveiled the Tower 2 Plant which has since gone missing in action


3. Individual Student Concerns

None at this time

4. Judicial Concerns/ Incident Reports Written:

I documented a resident again for having loud guests in his room after quiet hours.

5. Facility Concerns/ Damages/ Service Requests

Perhaps someday those anti-slip pads will find there way to our bathroom shower.

6. Staff Concerns:

I am still wondering when the CSD is going to invite us all over to his apartment for dinner and his wedding video. We are all very hungry.

7. Agenda Items for Next Staff Meeting:

None at this time.

8. Other Concerns

None at this time.

9. What Do You Need?

A social life would be nice.

10. Tower Leadership Update:

None at this time.