Tower 2 Tie-Dye Workshop at the Craft Center

On Tuesday August 3, 1999 seven brave souls from Tower 2 journeyed to Cal Poly's Craft Center in the lower University Union to get down, get funky, and tie-dye like it's 1999. Their epic story can be read here by scrolling down through the pictures.



 Here stands our brave warriors awaiting the challenge of tie dyeing.

 With T-shirts present, we're armed and ready to do battle.

 With some instruction from our fearless leader we will be ready for the challenge.

 First, we must chooses a plan of attack.

 Rolling, rolling, rolling, keep those shirts a-rolling.

  Still a-rollin...


 Success at last!!!

A nearly perfectedly rolled T-shirt.

  A well rolled T-shirt is something to celebrate.

 With T-Shirts rolled, now it's time to take the plunge and dunk them.

 Now for the dirty work...It's finally time to start dyeing those shirts of ours.

 Still dying. It has to be perfect!!!

 And end the end our heroes emerge victorious as they triumphantly show off their masterpieces.