Welcome back to the place where it all began Sierra Madre, Tower 2: Africa. Now sit back, relax, and prepare to relive that summer of magic. If you're just dying to take home some of those memories than you can download the Tower 2 Slide Show (43 MB MS Powerpoint File) to have for your very own. Now all you need is a good CD to play while watching it. Don't forget to check out the tie dying adventure link at the bottom.


The Tower 2 Button

The awesome Tower 2 RA's 


Me and my kingdom, Tower 2 


That's me cooking for the Pancake breakfast


The Tower Guys Pancake breakfast


My infamous "I'm Sleeping" sign


The Tower 2 Toys and Pet Fish


Remember those crazy name suggestions the guys made??


Tower 2 Cosmic Bowling Night


One of the best reasons to live in Tower 2


The fun never stops


The men of Tower 2


Tower 2 Tri-tip BBQ


Tower 2 ladies


The infamous Tower 2 jigsaw puzzle


Does anyone remember whatever happened to that plant of ours???


More Tower 2 residents


My partner in crime for the summer of 99

Tower 2 guys


HempWorkshop, Craft Ctr

Yours truly working hard 


What summer would be complete without tie-dying??? Click here to see pictures from the Tower 2 Tie-Dye Workshop at the Craft Center.