Welcome to my web site, the one place in the entire virtual world dedicated to me, Timothy A. Powell. Here you will find a number of interesting and curious items about the various facets of my-so-called life.  

I was born and raised in the Los Angles area and spent my youth in the multicultural suburbia of Carson.I graduated from none other than Carson High School (Carson Colts forever!!!) and from there went on to spend the next seven years of my life as an undergraduate at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. Though college was arduaous I made the most of it and studied abroad twice while attending a number of research and enrichment programs every summer at universities all over the US. I often look back now and think about my college experience as something akin to a smorgasbord, and I most definitely ate well getting my bachelors in Biology and minors in both English and Psychology.

After college, I began working as a teacher in Los Angeles and quickly received my reality check about the working world. My trial by fire was quite literal with the destruction of my classroom by arson during my first year and the daily reality of teaching and living in the inner city (I actually lived about a half mile from the school). But for every season there is a turning and I look back on that time and find myself thinking more about the lessons I was taught rather than the other way around. (And just in case you're wondering, yes, I did get a newly renovated classroom). After three years of chalk, sweat, and tears I decided it was time for a change and headed south in search of new classroom adventures and less traffic. I found both in my brief teaching experience at La Jolla HS down in San Diego.

However, just as the winds of life change ever so suddenly I soon found myself learning an entirely different lesson in life as I left teaching altogether to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of a son to take care of his ailing mother w/ Alzheimer's dementia. When this task was at last complete and my mother had gone Home to Glory, I obeyed a long-dormant (but ever persistent) Spiritual Call for service in my life to Christ Jesus (in this case nursing home ministry). For seven faithful years I labored at three long-term care facilities (in Compton, Artesia, & La Habra) and conducted inductive small group Bible studies and large group Sunday worship services for the residents of these care facilities (esp. those sub-populations that did not regularly receive ministry services).

After these years of ministry came the true trials and tribulations of my life as I suffered a permanently debilitating leg injury and endured three and a half years of homelessness being shuttled back and forth between dismal medical shelters and extended hospitalizations (about 18 mos. total). Now I find myself finally on the other side of this trying time and trying to find a new meaning for life in this peculiar season.

To that end the I know that the pages of my life are far from complete and that each chapter has been as rich and unique as life itself. That is why I have taken on the task of creating and developing this website. For me this website is a tool helping me both to preserve my past as well as chronicle my present all while utilizing this technology of the near-future so that I can remember and share with you some of the stuff that makes life worth living. I welcome you to browse through these digital pages until your heart is content and when your journey is done invite you sign my guestbook. Take care and God bless!

 Audio Greeting

To learn more about me click on one of the items below:

Academics Vitae Resume'

The Gallery
A collection of essays, poetry, pictures, and other interesting things.

Your connection to the other people, places and things I find interesting.

Check out these other great web sites I have created too!!!

The Powell Family Web Site

Mr. Powell's Science Class Web Site

Ebonics Interactive Web Site and Tutorial

Sierra Madre Tower 2 Commemorative RA Web Page

Entomology Hemiptera/ Homoptera Tutorial

San Luis Obispo Church of Christ Web Page

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please e-mail me at: